sábado, 28 de março de 2015

Espiritualidade e consciência

Espiritualidade e Consciência

Espiritualidade é um estado de consciência;
não é doutrina, não!
É o que se leva dentro do coração.
É o discernimento em ação!
É o amor em profusão.
É a luz nas idéias e equilíbrio na senda.
É o valor consciência da alegria na jornada.
É a valorização da vida e de todos os aprendizados.
É mais do que só viver;
é sentir a vida que pulsa em todas as coisas.
É respeitar a si mesmo,
para respeitar o próximo e a natureza.
É ter a plena noção de que nada acaba
na morte do corpo, pois a consciência
segue além, algures, na eternidade…
É saber disso - com certeza,
e não apenas crer nisso.
É viver isso - com clareza,
sem fraquejar na senda.
É ser um presente, para si mesmo,
para os outros e para a própria vida.
Espiritualidade é brilho nos olhos e luz nas mãos.
E isso não depende dessa ou daquela doutrina,
depende apenas do próprio despertar espiritual,
depende do discernimento consciencial,
se unir aos sentimentos legais, no equilíbrio
das próprias energias, nos atos da vida.
Ah, espiritualidade é qualidade perene;
não se perde nem se ganha; apenas é!
É valor interno, que descerra o olhar para o infinito…
para além dos sentidos convencionais.
É janela espiritual que se abre,
dentro de si mesmo, para ver a luz que está em tudo!
Espiritualidade é essa maravilha:
o encontro consigo mesmo, em paz.
Espiritualidade é ser feliz,
mesmo que ninguém entenda por quê.
É quando você se alegra, só pelo fato de estar vivo!
É quando o seu chacra do coração
se abre igual a uma rosa, e você se sente
possuído por um amor que não é condicionado
a coisa alguma, mas que ama tudo.
É quando você nem sabe explicar porque ama;
só sabe que ama.
Espiritualidade não depende
de estar na Terra ou no Espaço;
de estar solteiro ou casado;
de pertencer a esse ou aquele lugar;
ou de crer nisso ou naquilo.
É valor de consciência,
alcançado por esforço próprio,
e faz o viver, se tornar sadio.
Espiritualidade é apenas isso: Ser feliz! Ou, como ensinavam os sábios celtas de outrora: Ser um presente!
(Retirado do Blog:...Além da Terra, Nas Estrelas…

Do autor: Wagner Borges)

Paz e bem!

quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2015

Aprender a reconhece-los

Voo de Belgrado para Barcelona

No jornal, um texto que recorto e coloco na  maleta  de  mão.  O  autor  é  W.  Timothy  Gallway:

«Quando plantamos uma roseira, notamos que ela fica dormindo muito tempo no seio da terra, mas ninguém ousa critica-la, dizendo: «você não tem raízes profundas» ou «falta entusiasmo na sua relação com o campo». Ao contrário, nós a tratamos com paciência, água, e adubo. 
«Quando  a  semente  se  transforma  em muda, não passa pela cabeça de ninguém condena-la como frágil, imatura, incapaz de nos brindar imediatamente com as rosas que estamos esperando. Ao contrário: nos maravilhamos com o processo do nascimento das folhas, seguido dos 
botões, e, no dia em que as flores aparecem, nosso coração se enche de alegria. 
«Entretanto,  a  rosa  é  a  rosa  desde  o  momento em que colocamos a semente na terra, até o  instante  em  que,  passado  seu  período  de esplendor, termina murchando e morrendo. A cada estágio que atravessa - semente, broto, botão, flor - expressa o melhor de si. 
« Também nós, em nosso crescimento e constante mutação, passamos por vários estágios: 
vamos aprender a reconhece-los, antes de criticar a lentidão de nossas mudanças.»

Paulo Coelho - Guerreiros da Luz (Vol. 2)

segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Essas são as armadilhas do ego.

"Se você acha que é mais “espiritual” andar de bicicleta ou usar transporte público para se locomover, tudo bem, mas se você julgar qualquer outra pessoa que dirige um carro, como sendo inferior, então você está preso em uma armadilha do ego.
Se você acha que é mais “espiritual” não ver televisão porque te manipula e mexe com o seu cérebro, tudo bem, mas se julgar aqueles que ainda assistem, então você está preso em uma armadilha do ego.
Se você acha que é mais “espiritual” evitar saber de fofocas ou noticias da mídia , mas se encontra julgando aqueles que leem essas coisas, então você está preso em uma armadilha do ego.
Se você acha que é mais “espiritual” fazer Yoga, se tornar vegano, comprar só comidas orgânicas, comprar cristais, praticar Reiki, meditar, usar roupas “hippies”, visitar templos e ler livros sobre iluminação espiritual, mas julgar qualquer pessoa que não faça isso, então você está preso em uma armadilha do ego. Sempre esteja consciente ao se sentir superior.
A noção de que você é superior é a maior indicação de que você está em uma armadilha egóica. O ego adora entrar pela porta de trás.
Ele vai pegar uma ideia nobre, como começar Yoga e, então, distorce-la para servir o seu objetivo ao fazer você se sentir superior aos outros; você começará a menosprezar aqueles que não estão seguindo o seu “caminho espiritual certo”. Superioridade, julgamento e condenação. Essas são armadilhas do ego."


sábado, 21 de março de 2015

Nothing is solid: This is the world of Quantum Physics

Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again.
Nothing is solid.
This is the world of Quantum Physics.
They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see.
So why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?
Think of a movie reel.
A movie is a collection of about 24 frames a second. Each frame is separated by a gap. However, because of the speed at which one frame replaces another, our eyes get cheated into thinking that we see a continuous and moving picture.
Think of television.
A TV tube is simply a tube with heaps of electrons hitting the screen in a certain way, creating the illusion of form and motion.
This is what all objects are anyway. You have 5 physical senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste).
Each of these senses has a specific spectrum (for example, a dog hears a different range of sound than you do; a snake sees a different spectrum of light than you do; and so on).
In other words, your set of senses perceives the sea of energy from a certain limited standpoint and makes up an image from that.
It is not complete, nor is it accurate. It is just an interpretation.
All of our interpretations are solely based on the ‘internal map’ of reality that we have, and not the real truth. Our ‘map’ is a result of our personal life’s collective experiences.
Our thoughts are linked to this invisible energy and they determine what the energy forms. Your thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create your physical life.
Look around you.

Everything you see in our physical world started as an idea, an idea that grew as it was shared and expressed, until it grew enough into a physical object through a number of steps.
You literally become what you think about most.
Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most.
The world is literally your mirror, enabling you to experience in the physical plane what you hold as your truth … until you change it.
Quantum physics shows us that the world is not the hard and unchangeable thing it may appear to be. Instead, it is a very fluid place continuously built up using our individual and collective thoughts.
What we think is true is really an illusion, almost like a magic trick.
Fortunately we have begun to uncover the illusion and most importantly, how to change it.
What is your body made of?

Nine systems comprise the human body including Circulatory, Digestive, Endocrine, Muscular, Nervous, Reproductive, Respiratory, Skeletal, and Urinary.
What are those made up of?
Tissues and organs.
What are tissues and organs made of?
What are cells made of?
What are molecules made of?
What are atoms made of?
Sub-atomic particles.
What are subatomic particles made of?
You and I are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration. Energy that is constantly changing beneath the surface and you control it all with your powerful mind.
You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being.
If you could see yourself under a powerful electron microscope and conduct other experiments on yourself, you would see that you are made up of a cluster of ever-changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons and so on.
So is everything else around you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it.
An object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you can see, your observation, your attention to something, and your intention, literally creates that thing.
This is scientific and proven.
Your world is made of spirit, mind and body.
Each of those three, spirit, mind and body, has a function that is unique to it and not shared with the other. What you see with your eyes and experience with your body is the physical world, which we shall call Body. Body is an effect, created by a cause.
This cause is Thought.
Body cannot create. It can only experience and be experienced … that is its unique function.
Thought cannot experience … it can only make up, create and interpret. It needs a world of relativity (the physical world, Body) to experience itself.

Spirit is All That Is, that which gives Life to Thought and Body.
Body has no power to create, although it gives the illusion of power to do so. This illusion is the cause of much frustration. Body is purely an effect and has no power to cause or create.
The key with all of this information is how do you learn to see the universe differently than you do now so that you can manifest everything you truly desire.
Credit: John Assaraf

quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2015

The Seven Archetypes of Human Consciousness

The Seven Archetypes of Human Consciousness 

Lauren Simpson-Green Spirituality 1 The endless faces of the human psyche become a fascinating playground when it comes to Jungian archetypes. Used in storytelling and psychological methods and dream work, the countless numbers of archetypes provide a framework for the potential paths of the human hero. Jung outlined that each person should identify and work with twelve main archetypes running through their lives and use them to understand themselves better; their disposition, how the world sees them, and ultimately, their shadow. Here are 7 particularly transformative ones that can help us to look within. As with our circumstances and past lives, it is best not to associate with one or two in the ego’s need to be labeled, but to recognize that we display all facets within our psyche, whether they’re dormant or active, and that archetypes can embrace the notion that we’re all interdependent; an expression of the same source and the reflection of one another. We are one. 

THE CHILD The Orphan, the Wounded child, the Nature, Magical, Divine and Eternal child all lay deep within. We all have an inner child and the type we need to nurture can tell us a lot about what really wrenches at the chambers of our hearts. The Orphan is the lost child, without a solid identity they have the opportunity to feel deep suffering yet see life for what it is without attachment. Its shadow is its likelihood of becoming the victim, consumed in its loss, much like the Magical child it will assume it will be ‘saved’ and that fate has more strength than its own actions. The Divine and Eternal child represents the wise master who is already beginning to return home, they are the sages and prophets who have much to teach us and are calm and all knowing from a young age. When we begin to take these steps towards the light we will find within us a great sense of innocence and the true loving nature of the world, unlike the Orphan who must be street wise and dog eat dog. 

THE RULER The Matriarch, Patriarch, King, Queen and Ruler use leadership as a means to express and discover themselves. How we treat others when handed great power can tell us a lot about ourselves and the storybooks are littered with this archetype: the good and mighty rulers, and the tyrants. The Ice, White Queen or Witch, represented by the Queen of Swords in the Tarot pack is particularly interesting as well as prevalent and questions our traditional notions of ‘evil.’ A woman who has had her heart broken again and again has become so ‘cold’ that she removes herself from society and becomes isolated in a blizzard-ridden landscape, luring children and followers to ride her chariots through the snow. She is one who can be found in all of us and calls upon us to melt our hearts and trust again, to reconnect with the hero/ine or Goddess within ourselves and rediscover the positive aspects of the Sacred Feminine of kindness, loving compassion and community. In a way we are all coming in from the cold. 

THE CLOWN The Norse trickster god Loki as depicted on an 18th-century Icelandic manuscript The Jester, Tramp, Joker or Fool’s shadow is those who have become bitter and use their humour to make cruel jibes at those around them. They can be dewy and dim or jackal-like tricksters who invoke the ever-present comedy of life. They call on us to detach from the harsh realities of life and take it with a pinch of salt, often doing so in a seemingly cruel fashion. They are the masters who have no emotional connections or family but who cause a spark of interest in us and can have a deep impact on us if we meet one. Humour and wit equates power and with this archetype looks can be deceiving. They also often appear as the everyman and are seldom associated with romance; their path is of a higher calling than love in relationships, they often befriend a child to mirror the innocence and simplicity within themselves. 

THE VISIONARY The Creator, Visionary, Magician and Revolutionary, traditionally very much separate archetypes, have more similarities than you might think. They are the leaders who lead the crowd through their independent thought and ahead-of-their-time ideas. The Magician in the Tarot pack is often one who has mastery over words and the four elements, as is the scientist or inventor. The Revolutionary is usually more inspired by action, but within this umbrella archetype there can always be found the lone walker who goes against the current, is ridiculed throughout their quest to find their feet and then ultimately followed and revered when finally taken seriously. Passionate and solitary, they are always building; empires, inventions and magical spells, they often blur with the Hermit archetype and can seem more than a little crazy. 

EXPLORER The Explorer in this case I’ve put as the Hero; the individual who leaves home to find themselves, battles monsters and then returns home to slay their own demons. As with all journeys, we travel far from home only to discover that what we were looking for was on our doorstep the whole time. As with Freud’s Oedipus, we can often be so lured away from home that we become drunk on illusion and make huge mistakes, coming face to face with our worst nightmares and invoking tragic consequences. On the other hand, the plight of the hero is the most exciting and adventurous of the archetypes. We all have the hero and heroine within us and it’s often this role that we are avoiding in the form of our true potential. 

TEACHER The Guide, Healer or Teacher is someone to beware when drunk on power. They are the ones who may come with two faces, much like the Politician or Preacher, but unlike them, to the intuitive among us are easy enough to spot. A true teacher and guru is one who has overcome the many pitfalls of the ego in order to help others in all sincerity. To practice what one preaches is a great achievement and to awaken others with merely a word is even greater. Stepping aside – having achieved hero status already – in order to lift others up and let them shine is a path that radiates true wisdom and cannot be taken lightly. In fact it is probably the weightiest responsibility we might take on; carrying others on our shoulders and deflecting a multitude of projections is no easy task. And lastly… SEEKER Wanderer, Disciple and Dreamer, the Seeker is one who appears to be wandering aimlessly with no real goal, but in actual fact is the most freed up for spiritual transformation. Unlike the more ostentatious actions of the Hero/Explorer, the Seeker is much more secretive, nomadic, keeping to the hills and quietly inquiring about all walks of life. To truly be spontaneous and open to danger is where the real adventure begins, and many a seeker can be found in mythological and psychological wisdom. Like Siddhartha by Hesse and many a seemingly ‘lost’ soul it can take great bravery to be completely unattached. The shadow side may be a student who is constantly schooled and never ejected into the waters of life, but to be constantly learning with a thirst for knowledge more often than not leads us onto the path to enlightenment. Questioning everything and searching every corner of this world for answers, the Seeker if she/he knows themselves will not fall into the trap of a charlatan Guru but find a true master or be able to eventually master themselves. Being unattached to earthly desires and distanced from such attachments as family, career and even the pulls of karma, the Seeker often sticks to high places to remain the observer of human nature and steer clear of any obstruction to the divine. Although this is only a sample of thousands of archetypes that infiltrate the human psyche, it may trigger an interest in you to discover which archetypes are running through your life and which ones you may be inspired to investigate further 

Image source Orphan The Snow Queen by Elena Ringo Trickster Teacher Archetypes Thank us with a share, not only does it help us grow, by sharing knowledge you help shift the planets consciousness. Thank you so much: 3.1k323310 Archetype, Carl Jung, Personality, Psyche, 

Trickster By Lauren Simpson-Green Lauren Simpson-Green is an emerging screenwriter, novelist and full time mother who is interested in the art of play and imagination; using story alongside being Present in order to to deepen our experience on earth and reach our full potentials. She also writes a regular blog about spirituality, parenting and travel, as well as her experiences of being in a mixed marriage and living in Turkey.

Read more at: http://fractalenlightenment.com/34087/spirituality/the-seven-archetypes-of-human-consciousness | FractalEnlightenment.com

sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2015

Não vai mais do que um pequeno passo.

Quando diz Ser, refere-se a Deus? Se sim, porque não o diz?

A palavra Deus foi esvaziada do seu sentido ao longo de milhares de anos de utilização abusiva. Por vezes, eu emprego a palavra, mas faço-o com moderação. Por utilização abusiva, quero significar que há pessoas que sem nunca terem vislumbrado sequer o reino do sagrado, a vastidão infinita por trás dessa palavra, a usam com grande convicção, como se soubessem do que estão a falar. Ou então, argumentam contra ela, como se soubessem o que estão a negar. Tal utilização abusiva dá origem a crenças absurdas, asserções e ilusões egoicas, do género "O meu ou o nosso Deus é o único Deus verdadeiro, e o teu Deus é falso", ou como a famosa afirmação de Nietzsche "Deus está morto".
A palavra Deus tornou-se um conceito fechado. No momento em que a palavra é pronunciada, cria-se uma imagem mental, talvez já não a de um velho de barbas brancas, mas ainda assim uma representação mental de alguém ou de alguma coisa exterior a si e, sim, é verdade, quase inevitavelmente alguém ou alguma coisa do sexo masculino.
Nem Deus, nem Ser, nem qualquer outro termo conseguem definir ou explicar a inefável realidade por trás destas palavras, pelo que a única questão importante é saber se a palavra em questão o ajuda ou o impede de ter a experiência d'Aquilo para que ela aponta. Será que ela aponta para além de si própria para essa realidade transcendental, ou presta-se com demasiada facilidade a não ser mais do que uma ideia na sua cabeça, uma crença, um ídolo mental?
A palavra Ser não explica nada, mas a palavra Deus também não. Ser, no entanto, tem a vantagem de ser um conceito aberto. Não reduz o invisível infinito a uma entidade finita. É impossível formar uma imagem mental da palavra. Ninguém pode reclamar a propriedade exclusiva do Ser. Trata-se da sua própria essência, e você tem-lhe acesso imediato ao sentir a sua própria presença, o entendimento de que o Eu sou é anterior a pensar "eu sou isto" ou "eu sou aquilo". Por conseguinte, da palavra Ser à experiência de Ser não vai mais do que um pequeno passo.

* Eckhart Tolle - O poder do agora *

O mistério da vida

 O mistério da vida não é um problema a resolver, mas uma realidade a experimentar, um processo que não pode ser entendido parando-o, devemo...