quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2015

Strategies to reduce anxiety

Strategies to Reduce Anxiety

Are you suffering with anxiety and need a solution? Perhaps you find yourself spending lots of time sitting around and worrying, only to end up having more anxiety over your anxiety!
The only way to help the situation is to take action. You don’t need to resort to anything drastic, but even if you take small steps it could add up to make a big difference.

Here are some strategies for reducing your anxiety:

1. Get a biofeedback device.

A biofeedback device will show you the subtle things your body does when it gets anxious. It will record your actions, such as increased heart rate, perspiration, temperature, and strained muscles. These are things you don’t normally notice but that can be really insightful in helping you figure out your anxiety.
When the biofeedback device gives you these readings, you get to know your body better and you’re then more able to counteract these symptoms and relax.

2. Talk with friends.

Feeling anxious also usually makes you feel quite alone. One way to combat this is to remain open about your feelings and communicate with other people. Make time for your friends or family.

3. Seek counseling.

You know yourself best and will be able to tell if you’re having mild anxiety problems or severely life-altering issues. If your anxiety is showing an interference with your daily life, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

4. Meditate.

Meditation is certainly an action strategy even though it seems like quite the opposite. Your choice to be inactive is an action in itself. Try to meditate by taking deep breaths in and out. Doing so will relax all of your muscles in the process and your problems will begin to fade away.
If you’re new to meditation, you might want to read more about it.

5. Exercise.

Start an exercise routine. Exercise gets the endorphins pumping and will actually relax you. When you engage in regular exercise you get your body into a healthy rhythm. You’ll have a built-in break from anxious situations when you make time for exercise.
  • High Intensity Interval Training can be really helpful for feeling more level.
  • An incredible resource about exercise and anxiety is the book, Spark by John J. Ratey.

6. Start a journal.

Starting a journal can be a real stress reliever. It’s like you have a secret friend to vent to whenever you want. In addition to reducing anxiety, starting a journal might also be beneficial for you because it will help you preserve good memories, too.

7. Eat a balanced diet.

Putting healthy foods into your body can help reduce anxiety. Analyze your current diet and pinpoint the items that might need to go. Enjoy the less healthy items in moderation while you increase your intake of the nutritious foods your body craves. Also, you may want to consider taking a multivitamin.

8. Drink water.

This one sounds simple enough, right? The truth is that water has some amazing healing powers. Be sure to get at least 8 glasses of clear fluids each day.

9. Find an outdoor hobby.

Play a sport or start a garden. Not only will you get some much-needed fresh air, but also you’ll relieve stress while taking your mind off of your problems.

Reducing Anxiety

Strategies to Reduce Anxiety ~ http://healthpositiveinfo.com/strategies-to-reduce-anxiety.html
The truth is there are many things you can do to actively reduce your anxiety. Make a list of the things you find relaxing and make sure that you allow yourself some time each day to do one of them.

Focus on gaining better control of your mind. Don’t let your thoughts run away with you. Instead, give yourself some time to unwind in the evenings. Most important of all, don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyone deals with anxiety at some time or another, but you can use these tips to keep it under control.

(From health positive) 

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015

Como nivelar o mundo

Como nivelar o mundo

Confúcio viajava com seus discípulos quando soube que, numa aldeia, vivia um menino muito inteligente. Confúcio foi até lá conversar com ele e, brincando, perguntou:

- Que tal se você me ajudasse a acabar com as desigualdades?

- Por que acabar com as desigualdades? 
disse o menino. - Se achatarmos as montanhas, os pássaros não terão mais abrigo. Se acabarmos com a profundidade dos rios e dos mares, todos os peixes morrerão. Se o chefe da aldeia tiver a mesma autoridade que o louco, ninguém se entenderá direito. O mundo é muito vasto, deixa-lo com suas diferenças.

Os discípulos saíram dali impressionados com a sabedoria do menino. Quando já se encaminhavam para outra cidade, um deles comentou que todas as crianças deviam ser assim.

- Conheci muitas crianças que, ao invés de estar brincando e fazendo coisas de sua idade, procuravam entender o mundo - disse Confúcio; E, nenhuma destas crianças precoces conseguiu fazer algo importante mais tarde, porque jamais
experimentaram a inocência e a sadia irresponsabilidade da infância.


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