quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016

O Velho Mestre e o bolo delicioso

O Velho Mestre e o bolo delicioso

Há muito tempo atrás, um mestre zen, muito velho, aguardava os seus últimos momentos de vida. O seu último dia chegara e ele declarou que naquela noite não estaria mais ali.

Nesse momento, os seus seguidores, discípulos e amigos começaram a vir. Havia muitas pessoas que o amavam, todas elas começaram a chegar de todos os lugares do mundo.

Um dos seus discípulos mais antigos, quando ouviu que o Mestre ia morrer, correu para o mercado. Então, alguém perguntou:

— O Mestre está a morrer na sua cabana e tu vais ao mercado?

— Sim, eu sei que o Mestre adora um determinado bolo — respondeu o discípulo. — Então vou lá comprar o bolo.

Foi difícil encontrar o bolo. Mas à noite, quando finalmente conseguiu, ele correu para a cabana do Mestre.

Todos estavam preocupados — era como se o Mestre estivesse à espera de alguém. Ele abria os olhos, olhava à sua volta e fechava-os novamente. Quando o discípulo chegou, ele disse:

— Bem, finalmente chegaste! Onde está o bolo?

O discípulo mostrou o bolo, muito contente com a pergunta do Mestre.

À beira da morte, o mestre pegou o bolo na mão... mas a mão não tremia... Ele era muito velho, mas a mão dele não tremia. Então alguém perguntou:

— O senhor é muito idoso e está à beira da morte, mas sua mão não treme.

— Eu nunca tremo — respondeu o Mestre —, porque não tenho medo.
O meu corpo ficou velho, mas eu ainda sou jovem, e permaneço jovem mesmo quando o meu corpo está a morrer.

Então o Mestre deu uma mordida no bolo e começou a mastigar ruidosamente. E então alguém perguntou:

— Qual é a sua última mensagem, Mestre? O senhor deixar-nos-á em breve.
O que gostaria que nós recordássemos de si?

O Mestre sorriu e disse:

— Ah, este bolo está uma delícia!

- Contos Zen -

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2016

13 Signs You’re Wasting Life But You Can’t Admit It

When you were a kid, did you want to grow up to be an astronaut, a singer or an engineer? If so, how’s that working out for you? Hopefully, it’s going great and you are living the life of your dreams. But for the rest of you who are not, here are 13 signs that you might be wasting your life… but you don’t want to admit it:
1. You spend too much time doing things you shouldn’t be doing.
Video games. Reality TV. Surfing the ‘net. Stuffing your face with too much food. Drinking too much. And the list goes on. Take a serious look at your life. Where are you spending the majority of your time? And does it serve you well? Is it leading to a better life? Is it laying the foundation for a bright future? If not, then you need to reevaluate your routine activities and make changes.
2. You find yourself complaining a lot.
I know people who are constantly overwhelmed with life, and they never cease to tell me. Are you one of those people? Do you complain about your job, your boss, your salary, your neighbors or your spouse? If you do, then you are doing nothing but exuding negative energy. Negativity doesn’t change things. It keeps you stuck. So change your thoughts and talk about what you appreciate about your life, not what you don’t like.
3. You don’t feed your mind.
If you’re not continually growing and learning as a person, then you are stagnant – just like a still pond that doesn’t move and grows green gunk on it. That’s what your mind does if you don’t keep it active and learn new things. Positive challenges in your life will expand your mind, not send it backwards.
4. You have a lot of negative self-talk.
Self-talk can make or break your life. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t… either way, you’re right.” If you tell yourself that you’re not smart enough to get that promotion or start a business, then you’re right. If you tell yourself you’re too exhausted to put effort into changing your life, then you’re right. Whatever you tell yourself becomes your reality. So closely monitor what you say to yourself, because you will find that your life matches your thoughts.
5. You feel uninspired.
Do you have a passion for anything? I know a lot of people who think they don’t have a passion. But that’s never the case. There has to be something that you enjoy doing. So you need to rediscover what excites you, and then do more of it.
6. You don’t plan for your future.
While it’s always great to live in the “now” and “be in the moment,” sometimes you need to look ahead to see where you want to go. If you don’t have a goal or a plan, then you are like a boat that is wandering aimlessly in the ocean hoping to end up somewhere good. But you can’t do that. You have to make a step-by-step guide to get where you want to go. Just like a GPS gets you to a destination, you need your own inner GPS to guide you.
7. You spend too much time with people who don’t contribute to your growth.
It’s easy to get stuck hanging out with people who are not making you feel like a better person. But if you keep doing that, then you will stay stagnant or get pulled down with them. I like to call them “Energy Vampires.” They suck the life out of you and give you nothing positive in return. Instead, go find growth-oriented people to be around.
8. You’re addicted to your phone.
Sure, cell phones are super cool gadgets that can leave us entranced when we use them. While that’s fun, think about all the time you are wasting with your phone. Even worse, think about all the relationships that might be affected. Maybe you’re texting or searching the internet while you’re having dinner with your spouse or kids. If you are, you’re missing out on meaningful time you can spend with your loved ones – or time you could devote to making a plan for your future.
9. You spend money on things that don’t matter.
There is a difference between a “need” and a “want.” I’m sure we all learned that in kindergarten. However, in today’s society, we have blurred the lines quite a bit (see #8… the cell phone). In fact, I know people who can’t pay their mortgage, but still have the fanciest gadgets on the planet. If you stop to think about it, there is very little that we actually need. Food, water, shelter and love are some of those things. All the rest are just bonuses. So look at what you’re spending your money on and see if you can make adjustments. Maybe you can use the money you save to invest in your future.
10. You don’t get enough sleep.
I’m not a medical doctor, but I have read enough books to know how vitally important sleep is. I could write 20 pages on it. But I obviously don’t have enough room in this short article. Sleep is crucial for good health. If you’re too busy to get enough sleep or if you simply have a bad habit of staying up until the wee hours of the morning, you should re-evaluate your habits.
11. You’re not taking care of your body.
Not only is sleep essential to your health, so is food and exercise. I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. But eating a balanced, healthy diet and moving your body around truly does have more positive effects other than weight loss. It affects your mental attitude and overall well-being. So take a look at your diet and level of activity. You might find that making a few small changes will greatly improve your life.
12. You don’t leave your comfort zone.
I know how easy it is to live in a comfort zone. In fact, when I go to a familiar restaurant, I always order the same thing. Not because I’m afraid to try something new, but because I like the food I normally order. But that’s not the kind of comfort zone I’m talking about. I’m talking about taking a risk that will improve your life. And keep in mind, there is a difference between a “risk” and a “calculated risk.” Any risk has the possibility to be deadly, but a calculated risk is one in which you’ve weighed all options and thus come up with a good, sensible plan of action.
13. You’re living a life you don’t like.

The way I measure success is by someone’s level of happiness. Are you happy? If not, then you should change something! Even a feeling of contentment or satisfaction doesn’t tell you that you’re living life to the fullest. Life should be exciting! So if you’re not enjoying life, take a look at some of the changes you can make to get you to a better place.

If any of these 13 points sounded like you, don’t despair. You can make changes. But the first change you need to make is getting rid of the idea that you can’t do it. Many times, your biggest obstacle is your own thought process. So start there. Change your thinking – then change your life!

segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2016

É sempre fácil

É sempre fácil

examinar as consciências alheias,
identificar os erros do próximo,
opinar em questões que não nos dizem respeito,
indicar as fraquezas dos semelhantes,
educar os filhos dos vizinhos,
reprovar as deficiências dos companheiros,
corrigir os defeitos dos outros,
aconselhar o caminho reto a quem passa,
receitar paciência a quem sofre
e retificar as más qualidades de quem segue connosco...

Mas enquanto nos distraímos, em tais incursões a distância de nós mesmos,
não passamos de aprendizes que fogem, levianos, à verdade e à lição.

Enquanto nos ausentamos do estudo de nossas próprias necessidades, olvidando a aplicação dos princípios superiores que abraçamos na fé viva, somos simplesmente cegos do mundo interior relegados à treva...

Despertemos, a nós mesmos, acordemos nossas energias mais profundas para que o ensinamento do Cristo não seja para nós uma bênção que passa, sem proveito à nossa vida, porque o infortúnio maior de todos para a nossa alma eterna é aquele que nos infelicita quando a graça do Alto passa por nós em vão!

André Luiz
Chico Xavier

sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2016

A lei e as frutas

A lei e as frutas

No deserto, as frutas eram raras. Deus chamou um dos seus profetas, e disse:
- «Cada pessoa só pode comer uma fruta por dia.»
O costume foi obedecido por gerações, e a ecologia do local foi preservada. Como as frutas restantes davam sementes, outras árvores surgiram. Em breve, toda aquela região transformou-se num solo fértil, invejado pelas outras cidades. O povo, porém, continuava comendo uma fruta por dia - fiel à recomendação que um antigo profeta tinha passado aos seus ancestrais. Alem do mais, não deixava que os habitantes das outras aldeias se aproveitassem da farta colheita que acontecia todos os anos.
O resultado era um só: as frutas apodreciam no chão. Deus chamou um novo profeta e disse: 
- Deixe que comam as frutas que queiram. E peça que dividam a a fartura com seus vizinhos. O profeta chegou na cidade com a nova mensagem. Mas terminou sendo apedrejado - já que o costume estava arraigado no coração e na mente de cada um dos habitantes. Com o tempo, os jovens da aldeia começaram a questionar aquele costume bárbaro. Mas, como a tradição dos mais velhos era intocável,  eles resolveram afasta-se da religião. Assim, podiam comer quantas frutas queriam, e dar o restante para os que necessitavam de alimento. Na igreja local, só ficaram os que se achavam santos. Mas que, na verdade, eram pessoas incapazes de enxergar que o mundo se transforma, e que nós devemos nos transformar com ele.


quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2016

15 Lessons from Aristotle that Changed the World

15 Lessons from Aristotle that Changed the World

Classic philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates are still well known so many ages later because they truly tapped into and shared some excellent wisdom and philosophies.  Wisdom is timeless.  Here are our top 15 picks of Aristotle quotes to get your gears turning and help you reflect on your life:
1- “We become just by performing just action, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave action.”
2- “To run away from trouble is a form of cowardice and, while it is true that the suicide braves death, he does it not for some noble object but to escape some ill.”
3- “The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but he is willing, in great crises, to give even his life – knowing that under certain conditions it is not worthwhile to live.”
4- “There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.”
5- “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
6- “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”
7- “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
8- “Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.”
9- “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
10- “We must no more ask whether the soul and body are one than ask whether the wax and the figure impressed on it are one.”
11- “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.”
12- “Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.”
13- “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
14- “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
15- “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”

sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2016

Fácil e difícil

Fácil e Difícil

"É fácil trocar as palavras,
Difícil é interpretar os silêncios!
É fácil caminhar lado a lado,
Difícil é saber como se encontrar!
É fácil beijar o rosto,
Difícil é chegar ao coração!
É fácil apertar as mãos,
Difícil é reter o calor!
É fácil sentir o amor,
Difícil é conter sua torrente!

Como é por dentro outra pessoa?
Quem é que o saberá sonhar?
A alma de outrem é outro universo
Com que não há comunicação possível,
Com que não há verdadeiro entendimento.

Nada sabemos da alma
Senão da nossa;
As dos outros são olhares,
São gestos, são palavras,
Com a suposição
De qualquer semelhança no fundo."

Fernando Pessoa

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2016

Oração Lakota

Oração Lakota (Wakan Tanka)
Grande Mistério,
Ensina-me a confiar em meu coração,
em minha mente,
em minha intuição,
na minha sabedoria interna,
nos sentidos do meu corpo,
nas benções de meu espírito.
Ensina-me a decifrar os meus sonhos,
e ver também com o olho da alma.
Ensina-me a confiar nisso tudo,
para que eu possa entrar no meu Espaço Sagrado
e amar além de meu medo,
E dessa forma Caminhar em Equilíbrio
a cada passo do glorioso Avô Sol.
Snake Whistle 1880

Cheyenne in Dance Regalia

Colectivo de Monges a meditar e a orar

Oração dos Navajos

A montanha -
torno-me uma parte dela.
As ervas, o pinheiro -
torno-me uma parte deles.
A névoa da manhã,
as nuvens, as águas que confluem -
torno-me uma parte delas.
O sol
que desliza sobre a terra -
torno-me uma parte dele.
O mato,
a gota de orvalho,
o pólen das flores -
torno-me uma parte deles.

(Oração dos Navajos)

Mãos que protegem a chama

Oração Celta

Meu Deus ...
Ajuda-me a dizer a palavra da verdade na cara dos fortes e a não mentir para obter aplausos dos débeis.
Se me dás dinheiro, não tornes a minha felicidade, e se me dás forças, não tires o meu raciocínio.
Se me dás êxito, não me tires a humildade, não tires a minha dignidade.
Ajuda-me a conhecer a outra face da realidade, e não me deixes acusar meus adversários, apontando-os de traidores, porque não partilharam meu critério.
Ensina-me a amar os outros como amo a mim mesmo e a julgar-me como faço com os outros.
Não me deixes embriagar com o êxito, quando o consigo, nem a desesperar, se fracasso.
Sobretudo, faz-me sempre recordar que o fracasso é a prova que antecede o êxito.
Ensina-me que a tolerância é o mais alto grau da força e que o desejo de vingança é a primeira manifestação da debilidade.
Se me despojas do dinheiro, deixe-me a esperança, e se me despojas do êxito, deixe-me a força de vontade para poder vencer o fracasso.
Se me despojas do dom da saúde deixa-me a graça da fé.
Se causo dano a alguém, dá-me a força da desculpa, e se alguém me causa dano, dá-me a força do perdão e da clemência.
Meu Deus ...
Se me esquecer de Ti ...
Tu não Te esqueças de MIM! 


segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2016

18 Signs of Toxic People

18 Signs of Toxic People

No doubt there are some toxic people in your life that are causing needless drama, undermining your self-esteem or simply spreading their negativity into your life. We can’t live in a bubble, but knowing the signs of toxic people can help you to take appropriate steps to identify them and lessen their impact on your life.

Below are 18 signs of toxic people.

Remember, a person does not need to demonstrate all of these signs to be considered toxic. Rather, any single one of these signs, but especially multiple signs, could indicate a toxic person.

1. They often speak badly about other people.

If someone you know is regularly gossiping about others, this is a warning sign. Incessant gossiping is a warning sign of insecurity and a toxic personality. Likewise, you can be sure that if they’re gossiping about someone else, they will gossip about you too. Be careful with gossipers and remember that gossip is usually untrue anyway.

2. They’re negative.

A hallmark of a toxic person is being negative. This includes being judgmental, sarcastic, frequent complaining and the list goes on. This negativity can be draining and no fun but it is also a big warning that you’re with a toxic person.

3. They lack compassion.

One of the key elements to a relationship is the ability to show empathy and compassion towards others. If they are unable to show empathy, they might be toxic to you.

4. They take up an inordinate amount of your time.

They show up and take up too much of your time, disregarding you and your life. Relationships are a give and take. If you feel like they’re sucking up your time without providing much in return, it may be time to reassess this relationship.

5. They’re constantly involved in drama.

If they seem to always have crisis and conflict going on, this may indicate they are they cause more so than other people in their life.This is particularly true if they seem to thrive on or actually enjoy drama. The same is true if they seem to always have a big personal mess going on.

6. They lie to you.

In addition to straight out lies, make note of even slight variations on what they tell you and note the omission of critical facts as well. Often times, it is difficult to spot a direct lie, but rather, things just don’t add up. If someone is lying or bending the truth it is wise to question whether you can trust them in your life.

7. They criticize you.

It’s one thing to help a friend out if they have some food caught in their teeth. It’s another if someone is constantly criticizing you or offering their “advice” about you and your life. This is very true of the parent-child relationship. If you feel like you are always being corrected, it’s probably them and not you.

8. They talk way more than they listen.

A big red flag is when someone talks way more than they listen or if they don’t really listen at all.

9. They act like a victim.

If they frequently blame all their problems on someone else or some situation – or even if they blame their own mistakes on someone else or some situation – this is a red flag. A lack of personal responsibility is a sign of toxicity. Be careful, toxic people can be quite convincing.

10. They are hurtful.

If someone purposefully says hurtful thing to you or engages in hurtful actions against you or even just disregard your feelings, consider them toxic to you. The way we are treated is important. It matters and if someone hurts you regularly, they are not good for you.

11. They’re always stressed out.

Life is stressful for all of us. No one gets by without some stress. If someone magnifies their stress or compounds it through their choices, they might be toxic.

12. They lose their temper.

Being around someone with a temper problem can be excruciating and unnerving. If it seems like they need anger management, you can rest assured they are toxic to your life and  you do not need to expose yourself to this.

13. They need to be right.

A sign of a toxic person is their need to be right. If they’re constantly trying to prove themselves or close off to the opinions of others, this is not good. Likewise, toxic people will often claim to be right even if they’re not. Conversation is not supposed to be a challenge that must be won. This is unhealthy.

14. They treat others poorly.

Have you ever noticed that someone can be kind to you and the people in your circle, but when you’re around other people, they treat them poorly. This includes other co-workers, service people (such as a waiter or waitress). This can be a tip off that the person is putting on a show when they’re with you, but you can see the real person in how they treat others.

15.  They’re self-absorbed.

If they usually consider themselves first, have a need to talk about their own stuff and are not there for you when you need them, consider this a warning sign that they are either not a true friend or they are toxic. Also pay attention to whether they are looking to see what they can gain in a given situation versus what they can give.

16. They try to control you.

If someone tries to tell you what to do or say or how to act, this is a huge red flag. This can often show up as manipulative behaviors as well. If you feel like you’re being used as a puppet, it’s time to take a deeper look into the relationship.

17. They have unresolved addiction issues.

No question that being in a relationship with someone battling addiction can be one of the most difficult and painful things you could ever deal with. People in the throws of addiction will often exemplify many of these behaviors listed here – not because it is their true nature, but rather because of their addiction. Addiction is a serious issue. If you have a relationship with someone who is an addict, it is imperative to seek help for yourself.

18. You just have a bad vibe about them.

When in doubt, if you have a bad vibe, trust it. Your intuition is a valuable tool and is usually right. Even if you can’t put your finger on it, you should avoid or limit interaction with someone when your gut says to “look out!”
from: facthacker.com

O mistério da vida

 O mistério da vida não é um problema a resolver, mas uma realidade a experimentar, um processo que não pode ser entendido parando-o, devemo...